Hey guys, Welcome!
I have many posts, but I can't show them all in my entries. So you can, click (-->)/(<--) this button in the bottom to read my post one by one. Or in simple way, you can just click the months.
Anyway, I added some my favorite song in my pod (above (-->)/(<--) botton). Hope all of you like it. I have shuffled the song, If you don't like it, just click pause button.
Thank's for visiting! :D
Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011 19.32 | 0 ♥ comments
Gmorning guys,
Long time no see, no post, maklumlah sekarang udah kelas X dan ngeKOS -__- yea B-U-S-Y.
kali ini aku mau bahas tentang Nebula..

Oh Goood, they're so fuckin' awesome! they're amazing! they're cool!
and I'm.. I'm..

Awkey guys, Nebulae (*baca: Nebula) adalah awan antar bintang yang terdiri dari gas, debu, dan plasma. Nebula ini biasanya terbentuk oleh  bintang yang baru saja terbentuk lalu mengionisasi gas yang ada di sekitarnya. Selain itu Nebula juga terbentuk akibat kematian bintang, jadi bintang yang sedang mengalami transisi menuju "bintang tak bersinar" menghembuskan bagian terluarnya untuk membentuk Nebula itu tadi. Ini kata pakar-pakar di wikipedia, bukan kataku :p 

Ada Nebula Berbentuk Bola

Guys, Abstrak Nebula ini bener-bener keren gambarnya, kalian bisa browsing dengan search-key "Nebula".
Aku berharap banget, suatu saat nanti bisa meneliti dan menemukan Nebula-nebula yang cantik di luar sana, kalau kamu gimana? :D

Andini :)

I need
Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011 19.51 | 0 ♥ comments

Smile On The Outside, Sad Deep Down Inside
Rabu, 08 Juni 2011 04.36 | 0 ♥ comments
Kamu bisa melihatnya?
Terkadang dibalik senyum indah, terdapat kesedihan yang mendalam.
Tidak semua senyum mencerminkan isi hati, pahami dan tataplah matanya.
Andini :)

Ironic Drama
Selasa, 07 Juni 2011 08.01 | 0 ♥ comments
A sweet conversation between a girl & a boy after Breakup

Girl: Your new Girl Friend is pretty.*is she really pretty then me?*
Boy: Yes, she is. *but you are still the most beautiful girl I know*
Girl: I heard that she is funny & amazing. *all the stuff I wasn't*
Boy: Sure she is. *but she is nothing compared to you*
Girl: Well I hope you both last! *we never did*
Boy: I hope we do too. *What happen to me and you?*
Girl: Well I gotta go. *before I start to cry*
boy: Yes me too. *I hope you don't cry*
Girl: Bye! *I still love you & miss you*
Boy: See you later! *I will never stop loving you... never dear!*

This is a fact, what a ironic drama!
So, what should they do?

Andini :)

In Love
Senin, 06 Juni 2011 01.18 | 0 ♥ comments

Her smile &amp; his eyes. :)

Andini :)

I'm the first, and you are?

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