Hey guys, Welcome!
I have many posts, but I can't show them all in my entries. So you can, click (-->)/(<--) this button in the bottom to read my post one by one. Or in simple way, you can just click the months.
Anyway, I added some my favorite song in my pod (above (-->)/(<--) botton). Hope all of you like it. I have shuffled the song, If you don't like it, just click pause button.
Thank's for visiting! :D
Smile On The Outside, Sad Deep Down Inside
Rabu, 08 Juni 2011 04.36 | 0 ♥ comments
Kamu bisa melihatnya?
Terkadang dibalik senyum indah, terdapat kesedihan yang mendalam.
Tidak semua senyum mencerminkan isi hati, pahami dan tataplah matanya.
Andini :)

Ironic Drama
Selasa, 07 Juni 2011 08.01 | 0 ♥ comments
A sweet conversation between a girl & a boy after Breakup

Girl: Your new Girl Friend is pretty.*is she really pretty then me?*
Boy: Yes, she is. *but you are still the most beautiful girl I know*
Girl: I heard that she is funny & amazing. *all the stuff I wasn't*
Boy: Sure she is. *but she is nothing compared to you*
Girl: Well I hope you both last! *we never did*
Boy: I hope we do too. *What happen to me and you?*
Girl: Well I gotta go. *before I start to cry*
boy: Yes me too. *I hope you don't cry*
Girl: Bye! *I still love you & miss you*
Boy: See you later! *I will never stop loving you... never dear!*

This is a fact, what a ironic drama!
So, what should they do?

Andini :)

In Love
Senin, 06 Juni 2011 01.18 | 0 ♥ comments

Her smile &amp; his eyes. :)

Andini :)

Random Quote - Life Story
Minggu, 05 Juni 2011 06.57 | 0 ♥ comments

Andini :)

Hari Buku Nasional

BUKU adalah jendela dunia.
Nah, untuk memperingati Hari Buku Nasional apa yang bisa kamu lakukan untuk memperingatinya?
- Merapikan buku-buku kamu?
- Membaca?
- Membeli buku?
- Atau yang paling penting Menyumbangkan buku-buku kamu?
Satu hal kecil yang bisa kamu lakukan, pasti akan sangat sangat berharga =)
Andini :)

Inspiring Video
I just wanna cry when I saw the video. So touching ;)

Menceritakan tentang seorang gadis kecil yang tuli dan bisu. Dia sangat ingin belajar bermain biola dan berusaha untuk menghadapi setiap tantangan.

From the video, we can learn : 
"Don't underestimate anyone. Sometimes people show what they want you to see "
Brillian Ads, Pantene..

Andini :)

Random Quote - The Past

 Andini :)

Farewell angkatan 2007-2008
Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011 23.52 | 0 ♥ comments
03 Juni 2011, tepatnya hari Jumat malam. Sehari sebelum pengumuman kelulusan...

wisudawan putri dari 9a

wisudawan putri dari 9b

Malam perpisahan SMP Negeri 1 Situbondo diwarnai budaya Indonesia, dari batik, kebaya, dan baju daerah lainnya. Berbagai macam hiburan dari tarian hingga penampilan Band dapat membius sekian banyak penonton yang. datang. Acara ini dihadiri oleh beberapa orang penting di Situbondo, salah satunya Wakil Bupati.
Acara yang paling ditunggu para siswa dan orang tua murid? Yap, pengumuman 10 besar NUN terbaik.

Dan, gak lupa juga Penampilan Band dari para siswa kelas 9 yang bertema Perpisahan..
Salah satu lagu yang ditampilkan:

Kamu sangat berarti
Istimewa di hati
Selamanya rasa ini
Jika tua nanti
Kita telah hidup masing-masing
Ingatlah hari ini

Awwkay bloggie, mungkin cukup sampai disini, Biarlah malam itu jadi kenangan indah :)
Btw, tau gak aku dimana pas foto itu? :p

Andini :)

Random Qoute - Grow up
06.29 | 0 ♥ comments
" Go on! Go back and grow up! But I'm warnin' ya: once you're grown up, you can never come back. Never!" - Peter Pan, Disney's 1953 film

Andini :)


This is such a cute story! So, Taylor Swift recorded the song “Enchanted” on her album “Speak Now” for Adam Young from Owl City. Adam has since responded to Taylor by recording his own version of “Enchanted.”

You should download their song,
I play it everyday and never get bored. :)

Andini :)

I'm the first, and you are?

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