Hey guys, Welcome!
I have many posts, but I can't show them all in my entries. So you can, click (-->)/(<--) this button in the bottom to read my post one by one. Or in simple way, you can just click the months.
Anyway, I added some my favorite song in my pod (above (-->)/(<--) botton). Hope all of you like it. I have shuffled the song, If you don't like it, just click pause button.
Thank's for visiting! :D
Love The Way You Lie cover - Sam Tsui
Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011 01.23 | 0 ♥ comments
I just wanna share amazing video. A gggreeeeaat singer :D
So watch this guys!

So, what do you think about him? Yea, I know he has very nice voice. I love the way he sing and talk english. :D
I just shared one of my favorite video, if you wanna hear another from him, just go to youtube, and search by key --> Sam Tsui.

Thank you for watching,
Andini :)

music never gets old
Jumat, 27 Mei 2011 23.39 | 0 ♥ comments
By : Me

Andini :)

Wherever I Go
Here we are now
Everything is about to change
We face tomorrow as we say goodbye to yesterday
A chapter ending but the stories only just begun
A page is turning for everyone

So I’m moving on
Letting go

Holding on to tomorrow
I’ve always got the memories while I’m finding out who I’m gonna be
We might be apart but I hope you always know
You’ll be with me wherever I go
Wherever I go

So excited I can barely even catch my breath
We have each other to lean on for the road ahead
This happy ending is the start of all our dreams
And I know your heart is with me 

So I’m moving on
Letting go

Holding on to tomorrow
I’ve always got the memories while I’m finding out who I’m gonna be
We might be apart but I hope you always know
You’ll be with me wherever I go

Its time to show the world we’ve got something to say
A song to sing out loud we’ll never fade away
I know I’ll miss you but we’ll meet again someday
We’ll never fade away

So I’m moving on
Letting go

Holding on to tomorrow
I’ve always got the memories while I’m finding out who I’m gonna be
We might be apart but I hope you always know
You’ll be with me wherever I go

So I’m moving on
Letting go

Holding on to tomorrow
I’ve always got the memories while I’m finding out who I’m gonna be
We might be apart but I hope you always know
You’ll be with me wherever I go

Wherever, Wherever I go :')

-Miley Cyrus

Promise me one thing, that you will do the same with me...

Special for my friends, yea you! :'D

Andini :)

OLD STUFF part 2
Awkay bloggie, kali ini modelnya my sistaa :D

Cool huh? I love it too. Her belt yay :D

Andini :)

Alligator Sky
One of my favorite song, and I'll never feel bored to watch the video,
So check this one guys..

Where was I when the rockets came to life
And carried you away into the alligator sky
Even though, I'll never know what's up ahead
I'm never lettin' go, I'm never lettin' go

Do you like it? Yea me too :)
What do you think about Adam Young? He is a cool song writer huh? isn't it? :D
Anyway, I like Shawn too..

Andini :)

Random Quote - Change


People might change but there are two things that you can't change.Their name & the memories you've had with them. ~DamnRightTweet

Andini :)

Gross Out

Hello Bloggie!
Pernah tau Gross Out itu apa? Yep online photo editor. Sebenernya udah cukup lama sih tapi kurang ngetrend zaman sekarang. Yaah semenjak adanya Photoscape,

Kamu bisa edit sesuka hati fotomu yg lucu ityuu :P seserem dan sealay mungkin seperti  itu tuuu! ituuu :D

Jadi foto editor ini akan bakalan kasih objek yang unik dan kesan horor.
Tapi jangan salah, masih tetep lucu kok.

Alay? Gak juga, sekali2 gapapa doongg tampil beda.

Wanna try? Click here ----> Gross Out
After that, show me your gross out photo! It will be more funny than mine :)

Andini :)

we had fun
I just wanna share our happiness :)
I remember, it was Saturday Night.  We spent our time together in Pameraya.
Thx to Marietta, Indah, Nurin, Muraya, Iqbal, Riyan, Sandi & dik Yoseph (adik Marietta)..
I won't forget the moment :)

Photographer by Yoseph
Photo Editor & Camera by Nurin

Andini :)


Do you know about doromania? you know? I think you don't LOL :P
So, check this guys :)

Doromania merupakan gangguan psikologi yang sangat unik. Si Penderita selalu terobsesi dan memiliki keinganan besar untuk memberi hadiah kepada orang lain. Si Penderita memberikan hadiah bukan karena mereka dermawan atau baik hati, melainkan karena hal lain yang lebih kompleks.


Andini :)

OLD STUFF part 1
I love the floral long skirt. thx Mom :)
I just found it in an old cupboard, then I tried to mix them. Old fashion is not always bad,

Thankyou if you like it, if don't it's okay :)

Andini :)

Random Quote - Be Yourself
Kamis, 26 Mei 2011 22.25 | 0 ♥ comments
Untuk apa berusaha jadi orang lain?
Kamu hanya menghabiskan waktumu untuk hidup dalam bayang-bayang. Kamu akan selalu merasa tersiksa karena apa yang kamu lakukan tidak sesuai dengan dirimu. Hidupmu panjang, apakah kamu akan menghabiskannya dengan menjadi orang lain? Pikirkan baik-baik :)

You're beautiful in your own way girls,

The Biggest Card House in The World

Bryan Berg masuk dalam daftar Guinness World Record karena kekreatifannya. Bryan berhasil membangun sebuah bangunan yang bahan materialnya terbuat dari kumpulan kartu remi! The American architect has successfully created a replica of “the Venetian Macau” from 218,792 cards! Yang bikin kita terkesima adalah proses pembuatan kartu ini nggak pakai lem sama sekali! Rahasia ini cuma Bryan yang tau! Tapi ternyata saat proses pembuatannya, Bryan ngaku kok kalo terkadang kartunya kadang runtuh. Dan sekarang bangunan kartu ini dipajang di Venetian Macau luxury hotel and casino, yang tingginya mencapai 33 kaki. Taking inspiration from his card-playing grandfather, Berg hopes to inspire some visitors at The Venetian Macao. Good job Bryan!

So inspiring, wanna try?
                 source: gogirl-admin

Andini :)

Surat Kecil untuk Tuhan
Rabu, 25 Mei 2011 23.09 | 0 ♥ comments
Trailer Surat Kecil untuk Tuhan

Surat Kecil Untuk Tuhan bercerita tentang remaja bernama Gita Sesa Wanda Cantika atau Keke yang berjuang melawan penyakit kanker jaringan lunak (Rhabdomyosarcoma). Film ini sebenarnya tentang perjuangan remaja, yang berjuang hidup normal walau dirinya menderita penyakit kanker ganas.

In memorial gitta sessa wanda cantika.

Surat Kecil Untuk Tuhan
Andai aku bisa kembali
Aku tidak ingin ada tangisan di dunia ini.
Andai aku bisa kembali
Aku berharap tidak ada lagi hal yang sama terjadi padaku,
terjadi pada orang lain.
Bolehkah aku menulis surat kecil untuk-Mu
Bolehkah aku memohon satu hal kecil untuk-Mu
Biarkanlah aku dapat melihat dengan mataku
Untuk memandang langit dan bulan setiap harinya..
Izinkanlah rambutku kembali tumbuh, agar aku bisa menjadi wanita seutuhnya.
Bolehkah aku tersenyum lebih lama lagi
Agar aku bisa memberikan kebahagiaan
kepada ayah dan sahabat-sahabatku
Berikanlah aku kekuatan untuk menjadi dewasa
Agar aku bisa memberikan arti hidup
kepada siapapun yang mengenalku..
Tuhan ..
Surat kecil-ku ini
adalah surat terakhir dalam hidupku
Andai aku bisa kembali…
Ke dunia yang Kau berikan padaku..

In memorial,

------------------------------------> can't wait for the movie. It will make million tears fall.

Andini :)

Random Quote - Fake Hope
broken-heart by ΜâĻĕķăŧ-Đцβǎϊ

Jangan pernah memberi dia harapan jika kamu tidak mengharapkannya
Jangan pernah memberi kesempatan jika dia memang tak punya kesempatan
Kamu hanya bisa menyakitinya..

-Inspired by 'her', she was hurt so much.

Andini :)

You Can Count on Me :`)

Check this guys, You'll love it. This vido is so cute :)
I know, we can't together until the world ends, but I'll miss you sooo much if you're not with me anymore.
Special for 9a & 9b :)

Andini :)

I'm the first, and you are?

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